Tilly’s Farm is committed to maintaining and building strong relationships based on mutual respect and recognition of each other’s rights. We embrace diversity as it inherently provides different perspectives, the evolution of talent as well as responsive and inclusive teamwork.
We recognize diversity as any dimension that can be used to differentiate people including but not limited to religion, race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, family status, age, or political beliefs. Tilly’s Farm will, therefore:
Attract and retain a diverse and skilled workforce, for the achievement of our goals;
Ensure that our leaders and managers are committed to creating an inclusive culture that values dignity, respect, and the protection of human rights as an integral part of operations, performance, and management systems;
Require our teams to operate in an inclusive way that shows dignity and respect for one another, our clients, and our smallholder farmers;
Wherever appropriate and feasible, set operating standards that exceed relevant laws and regulations and international protocols;
Set, monitor, and review our performance and achievement of objectives and targets for diversity, equality, and affirmative action;
Undertake specific actions to enhance the involvement of women in our workforce and network of smallholder farmers;
Maintain a safe work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, victimization, bullying, and other actions that diminish rights;
Maintain within the Tilly’s Farm Board a Corporate Responsibility Committee to provide oversight on the implementation of this policy;
Regularly review and audit our performance on diversity and affirmative action and that of our network of smallholder farmers;
Publicly report performance on diversity matters.
Maxwell Hammond Boatema Hammond
Co-Founder Co-Founder
Managing Director Director
Tilly’s Farm has been raising pigs for over a decade. Currently we work with a network of smallholder pig farmers to deliver quality, nutritious pork at affordable prices to the local Ghanaian market
Get in Touch
No. 1, Nana Anoah Street Mango Lane North Atomic, Accra -Ghana